Articles | Volume 4-osr8
30 Sep 2024
 | OSR8 | Chapter 2.5
 | 30 Sep 2024 | OSR8 | Chapter 2.5

Characteristics and trends of marine heatwaves in the northwest European Shelf and the impacts on density stratification

Wei Chen and Joanna Staneva

Related authors

The role of heat wave events in the occurrence and persistence of thermal stratification in the southern North Sea
Wei Chen, Joanna Staneva, Sebastian Grayek, Johannes Schulz-Stellenfleth, and Jens Greinert
Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 1683–1698,,, 2022
Short summary

Cited articles

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Chen, W., Staneva, J., Grayek, S., Schulz-Stellenfleth, J., and Greinert, J.: The role of heat wave events in the occurrence and persistence of thermal stratification in the southern North Sea, Nat. Hazards Earth Syst. Sci., 22, 1683–1698,, 2022. 
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Short summary
Marine heatwaves (MHWs), which are the unusually warm periods in the ocean, are becoming more frequent and lasting longer in the northwest European Shelf (NWES), particularly near the coast, from 1993 to 2023. However, thermal stratification is weakening, implying that the sea surface warming caused by MHWs is insufficient to counteract the overall stratification decline due to global warming. Moreover, the varying salinity has a notable impact on the trend of density stratification change.
Final-revised paper