Articles | Volume 4-osr8
30 Sep 2024
 | OSR8 | Chapter 2.4
 | 30 Sep 2024 | OSR8 | Chapter 2.4

Statistical analysis of global ocean significant wave heights from satellite altimetry over the past 2 decades

Alice Laloue, Malek Ghantous, Yannice Faugère, Alice Dalphinet, and Lotfi Aouf

Data sets

Global Ocean L 4 Significant Wave Height From Reprocessed Satellite Measurements EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Global Ocean L 4 Significant Wave Height From Nrt Satellite Measurements EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Short summary
Satellite altimetry shows that daily mean significant wave heights (SWHs) and extreme SWHs have increased in the Southern Ocean, the South Atlantic, and the southern Indian Ocean over the last 2 decades. In winter in the North Atlantic, SWH has increased north of 45°N and decreased south of 45°N. SWHs likely to be exceeded every 100 years have also increased in the North Atlantic and the eastern tropical Pacific. However, this study also revealed the need for longer and more consistent series.
Final-revised paper