Articles | Volume 4-osr8
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© Author(s) 2024. This work is distributed under
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Monitoring main ocean currents of the Iberia–Biscay–Ireland region
Álvaro de Pascual Collar
Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems, Paseo de la Castellana 216, 8th Floor, Office 811, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Roland Aznar
Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems, Paseo de la Castellana 216, 8th Floor, Office 811, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Bruno Levier
Mercator Ocean International, 2 Av. de l'Aérodrome de Montaudran, 31400 Toulouse, France
Marcos García Sotillo
Nologin Oceanic Weather Systems, Paseo de la Castellana 216, 8th Floor, Office 811, 28046 Madrid, Spain
Related authors
Álvaro de Pascual-Collar, Marcos G. Sotillo, Bruno Levier, Roland Aznar, Pablo Lorente, Arancha Amo-Baladrón, and Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul
Ocean Sci., 15, 565–582,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is a dense water mass originated in the Gibraltar Straight. The CMEMS IBI ocean reanalysis is used to provide a detailed view of the circulation and mixing processes of MOW near the Iberian and African Continental slopes. This work emphasizes the relevance of the complex bathymetric features defining the circulation and variability processes of MOW in this region.
Manuel García-León, José María García-Valdecasas, Lotfi Aouf, Alice Dalphinet, Juan Asensio, Stefania Angela Ciliberti, Breogán Gómez, Víctor Aquino, Roland Aznar, and Marcos Sotillo
EGUsphere,,, 2025
This preprint is open for discussion and under review for Ocean Science (OS).
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Accurate short-term wave forecasts are key for coastal activities. These forecasts rely on wind and currents as forcing, which in this work were both enhanced using neural networks (NNs) trained with satellite and radar data. Tested at three European sites, the NN-corrected winds were 35 % more accurate, and currents also improved. This led to improved IBI wave model predictions of wave height and period by 10 % and 17 %, respectively; even correcting under extreme events.
Fabrice Hernandez, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, and Angelique Melet
State Planet Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for SP
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An historical review over the last three decades on intercomparison projects of ocean numerical reanalysis or forecast is first proposed. From this, main issues and lessons learned are discussed in order to propose an overview of best practices and key considerations to facilitate intercomparison activities in operational oceanography.
Liying Wan, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Mike Bell, Yann Drillet, Roland Aznar, and Stefania Ciliberti
State Planet Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for SP
Short summary
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Operational ocean forecasting systems integrate advanced numerical modelling, aimed at resolving ocean dynamics and processes from global to coastal scale, and robust computational suites that are devoted to run models, orchestrating different data pre- and post-processing blocks, with the ultimate goal of providing high quality and reliable ocean forecasts. The main phases of its workflow are: pre-processing, modelling component(s) run, and post-processing.
Marcos G. Sotillo, Marie Drevillon, and Fabrice Hernandez
State Planet Discuss.,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for SP
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Operational forecasting systems requires best practices for assessing the quality of ocean products. The Authors discusses on the role of observing network for performing validation of ocean models, identifying current gaps, but also emphasizing the need of new metrics. An analysis on the level of maturity of validation processes from global to regional systems is provided. A rich variety of approaches exists. Example of Copernicus Marine product quality organization is provided.
Álvaro de Pascual-Collar, Roland Aznar, Bruno Levier, and Marcos García-Sotillo
State Planet, 1-osr7, 9,,, 2023
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Short summary
The article comprises the analysis of the ocean heat content in the northeastern Atlantic Iberian–Biscay–Ireland (IBI) region. The variability of ocean heat content is studied, and results are linked with the variability of the main water masses found in the region. Results show how the coupled interannual variability of water masses accounts for an important part of the total ocean heat content variability in the region.
Stefania A. Ciliberti, Enrique Alvarez Fanjul, Jay Pearlman, Kirsten Wilmer-Becker, Pierre Bahurel, Fabrice Ardhuin, Alain Arnaud, Mike Bell, Segolene Berthou, Laurent Bertino, Arthur Capet, Eric Chassignet, Stefano Ciavatta, Mauro Cirano, Emanuela Clementi, Gianpiero Cossarini, Gianpaolo Coro, Stuart Corney, Fraser Davidson, Marie Drevillon, Yann Drillet, Renaud Dussurget, Ghada El Serafy, Katja Fennel, Marcos Garcia Sotillo, Patrick Heimbach, Fabrice Hernandez, Patrick Hogan, Ibrahim Hoteit, Sudheer Joseph, Simon Josey, Pierre-Yves Le Traon, Simone Libralato, Marco Mancini, Pascal Matte, Angelique Melet, Yasumasa Miyazawa, Andrew M. Moore, Antonio Novellino, Andrew Porter, Heather Regan, Laia Romero, Andreas Schiller, John Siddorn, Joanna Staneva, Cecile Thomas-Courcoux, Marina Tonani, Jose Maria Garcia-Valdecasas, Jennifer Veitch, Karina von Schuckmann, Liying Wan, John Wilkin, and Romane Zufic
State Planet, 1-osr7, 2,,, 2023
Álvaro de Pascual-Collar, Marcos G. Sotillo, Bruno Levier, Roland Aznar, Pablo Lorente, Arancha Amo-Baladrón, and Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul
Ocean Sci., 15, 565–582,,, 2019
Short summary
Short summary
The Mediterranean Outflow Water (MOW) is a dense water mass originated in the Gibraltar Straight. The CMEMS IBI ocean reanalysis is used to provide a detailed view of the circulation and mixing processes of MOW near the Iberian and African Continental slopes. This work emphasizes the relevance of the complex bathymetric features defining the circulation and variability processes of MOW in this region.
Jean-Michel Lellouche, Eric Greiner, Olivier Le Galloudec, Gilles Garric, Charly Regnier, Marie Drevillon, Mounir Benkiran, Charles-Emmanuel Testut, Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Florent Gasparin, Olga Hernandez, Bruno Levier, Yann Drillet, Elisabeth Remy, and Pierre-Yves Le Traon
Ocean Sci., 14, 1093–1126,,, 2018
Short summary
Short summary
In the coming decades, a strong growth of the ocean economy is expected. Scientific advances in operational oceanography will play a crucial role in addressing many environmental challenges and in the development of ocean-related economic activities. In this context, remarkable improvements have been achieved with the current Mercator Ocean system. 3-D water masses, sea level, sea ice and currents have been improved, and thus major oceanic variables are hard to distinguish from the data.
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Short summary
The Iberia–Biscay–Ireland region in the North Atlantic has diverse ocean currents impacting upper and deeper layers. These currents are vital for heat transport, species dispersion, and sediment and pollutant movement. Monitoring them is crucial for informed decision-making in ocean-related activities, including the blue economy sector. This study introduces an indicator to track these currents, covering main ones like the Azores, Canary, Portugal, and poleward slope currents.
The Iberia–Biscay–Ireland region in the North Atlantic has diverse ocean currents impacting...
Final-revised paper