Articles | Volume 4-osr8
30 Sep 2024
 | OSR8 | Chapter 2.3
 | 30 Sep 2024 | OSR8 | Chapter 2.3

Monitoring main ocean currents of the Iberia–Biscay–Ireland region

Álvaro de Pascual Collar, Roland Aznar, Bruno Levier, and Marcos García Sotillo

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Regional circulation patterns of Mediterranean Outflow Water near the Iberian and African continental slopes
Álvaro de Pascual-Collar, Marcos G. Sotillo, Bruno Levier, Roland Aznar, Pablo Lorente, Arancha Amo-Baladrón, and Enrique Álvarez-Fanjul
Ocean Sci., 15, 565–582,,, 2019
Short summary

Cited articles

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Short summary
The Iberia–Biscay–Ireland region in the North Atlantic has diverse ocean currents impacting upper and deeper layers. These currents are vital for heat transport, species dispersion, and sediment and pollutant movement. Monitoring them is crucial for informed decision-making in ocean-related activities, including the blue economy sector. This study introduces an indicator to track these currents, covering main ones like the Azores, Canary, Portugal, and poleward slope currents.
Final-revised paper