Articles | Volume 3-slre1
29 Oct 2024
 | SLRE1 | Chapter 4
 | 29 Oct 2024 | SLRE1 | Chapter 4

Sea Level Rise in Europe: Observations and projections

Angélique Melet, Roderik van de Wal, Angel Amores, Arne Arns, Alisée A. Chaigneau, Irina Dinu, Ivan D. Haigh, Tim H. J. Hermans, Piero Lionello, Marta Marcos, H. E. Markus Meier, Benoit Meyssignac, Matthew D. Palmer, Ronja Reese, Matthew J. R. Simpson, and Aimée B. A. Slangen

Data sets

IPCC AR6 Sea Level Projections (Version 20210809) G. G. Garner et al.

Sea level measured by tide gauges from global oceans as part of the Joint Archive for Sea Level (JASL) since 1846 Patrick C. Caldwell et al.

Black Sea Mean Sea Level time series and trend from Observations Reprocessing EU Copernicus Marine Service

Global Ocean Mean Sea Level time series and trend from Observations Reprocessing EU Copernicus Marine Service

Mediterranean Sea Mean Sea Level time series and trend from Observations Reprocessing EU Copernicus Marine Service

Simulation of Glacial Isostatic Adjustment (GIA) Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Tide Gauge Data Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level (PSMSL)

Water level change time series for the European coast from 1977 to 2100 derived from climate projections K. Yan et al.

Model code and software

UTide Unified Tidal Analysis and Prediction Functions Daniel Codiga

Short summary
The EU Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise’s Assessment Report strives to synthesize the current scientific knowledge on sea level rise and its impacts across local, national, and EU scales to support evidence-based policy and decision-making, primarily targeting coastal areas. This paper complements IPCC reports by documenting the state of knowledge of observed and 21st century projected changes in mean and extreme sea levels with more regional information for EU seas as scoped with stakeholders.
Final-revised paper