Articles | Volume 4-osr8
30 Sep 2024
 | OSR8 | Chapter 4.6
 | 30 Sep 2024 | OSR8 | Chapter 4.6

Subsurface warming derived from Argo floats during the 2022 Mediterranean marine heat wave

Annunziata Pirro, Riccardo Martellucci, Antonella Gallo, Elisabeth Kubin, Elena Mauri, Mélanie Juza, Giulio Notarstefano, Massimo Pacciaroni, Antonio Bussani, and Milena Menna


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Short summary
This work analyses the propagation of the 2022 marine heatwave from the surface to 2000 m depth of the water column in the Mediterranean Sea. The results show that the temperature anomaly during the summer of 2022 varies between 0.88 and 2.92 °C. However, this heat stored in the surface layer is distributed in the water column during the following fall. This warming may enhance variations of the circulation of the surface and deep currents, which in turn may have an impact on the climate.
Final-revised paper