Articles | Volume 4-osr8
30 Sep 2024
 | OSR8 | Chapter 3.4
 | 30 Sep 2024 | OSR8 | Chapter 3.4

Variability in manometric sea level from reanalyses and observation-based products over the Arctic and North Atlantic oceans and the Mediterranean Sea

Andrea Storto, Giulia Chierici, Julia Pfeffer, Anne Barnoud, Romain Bourdalle-Badie, Alejandro Blazquez, Davide Cavaliere, Noémie Lalau, Benjamin Coupry, Marie Drevillon, Sebastien Fourest, Gilles Larnicol, and Chunxue Yang

Data sets

Global Ocean Ensemble Physics Reanalysis EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Global Ocean Gridded L 4 Sea Surface Heights And Derived Variables Reprocessed 1993 Ongoing EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Barystatic and manometric sea level changes from GRACE and GRACE-FO (Version 4) [NetCDF] Magellium/LEGOS

Barystatic and manometric sea level changes from a sea level budget approach (Version 2) [NetCDF] Magellium/LEGOS

Short summary
The variability in the manometric sea level (i.e. the sea level mass component) in three ocean basins is investigated in this study using three different methods (reanalyses, gravimetry, and altimetry in combination with in situ observations). We identify the emerging long-term signals, the consistency of the datasets, and the influence of large-scale climate modes on the regional manometric sea level variations at both seasonal and interannual timescales.
Final-revised paper