Articles | Volume 4-osr8
30 Sep 2024
 | OSR8 | Chapter 3.2
 | 30 Sep 2024 | OSR8 | Chapter 3.2

Event-based wave statistics for the Baltic Sea

Jan-Victor Björkqvist, Hedi Kanarik, Laura Tuomi, Lauri Niskanen, and Markus Kankainen

Data sets

Data and code for the article "Event-based wave statistics for the Baltic Sea" by Björkqvist et al. (2024) H. Kanarik et al.

Baltic Sea Wave Hindcast, Mercator Ocean International EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Global Ocean L 3 Significant Wave Height From Nrt Satellite Measurements EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Global Ocean L 3 Significant Wave Height From Reprocessed Satellite Measurements EU Copernicus Marine Service Product

Model code and software

Data and code for the article "Event-based wave statistics for the Baltic Sea" by Björkqvist et al. (2024) H. Kanarik et al.

Short summary
Typical wave statistics do not provide information on how often certain wave heights are exceeded and the length of such events. Our study found a strong seasonal dependence for 2.5 and 4 m wave events in the Baltic Sea. Wave heights of over 7 m occurred less than once per year. The number of 1 m wave events can double within 20 km in nearshore areas. Our results are important for all operations at sea, including ship traffic and fish farming.
Final-revised paper