Articles | Volume 1-osr7
27 Sep 2023
 | OSR7 | Chapter 2.6
 | 27 Sep 2023 | OSR7 | Chapter 2.6

High-frequency radar-derived coastal upwelling index

Pablo Lorente, Anna Rubio, Emma Reyes, Lohitzune Solabarrieta, Silvia Piedracoba, Joaquín Tintoré, and Julien Mader

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Coastal high-frequency radars in the Mediterranean – Part 2: Applications in support of science priorities and societal needs
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Cited articles

Abrahams, A., Schlegel, R. W., and Smit, A. J.: Variation and change of upwelling dynamics detected in the world's eastern boundary upwelling systems, Frontiers in Marine Science, 8, 626411,, 2021a. 
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Bakun, A.: Coastal upwelling indices, west coast of North America, 1946-71, NOAA technical report NMFS SSRF; 671, (last access: 29 June 2023), 1973. 
Bakun, A.: Daily and weekly upwelling indices, west coast of North America, 1967-73, NOAA technical report NMFS SSRF; 693, (last access: 29 June 2023), 1975. 
Short summary
Upwelling is an important process that impacts water quality and aquaculture production in coastal areas. In this work we present a new methodology to monitor this phenomenon in two different regions by using surface current estimations provided by remote sensing technology called high-frequency radar.
Final-revised paper