26 Sep 2024
 | 26 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal SP.

End User Applications for Ocean Forecasting: present status description

Antonio Novellino, Alain Arnaud, Andreas Schiller, and Liying Wan

Abstract. The direct benefit of developing ocean forecasting systems and in improving the accuracy of the predictions is practically demonstrated through downstream applications. These systems are considered pillars of the Blue Economy, offering potential for economy, environmental sustainability, creation of new job opportunities and actively supporting decision making. In this paper, the authors outline the main sectors currently benefiting from ocean model products, reviewing the state-of-the-art and potential use for societal activities, management and planning.

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Antonio Novellino, Alain Arnaud, Andreas Schiller, and Liying Wan

Status: open (until 21 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Antonio Novellino, Alain Arnaud, Andreas Schiller, and Liying Wan
Antonio Novellino, Alain Arnaud, Andreas Schiller, and Liying Wan
Metrics will be available soon.
Latest update: 26 Sep 2024
Short summary
The paper describes the significant role that ocean forecasting systems play in the Blue Economy, demonstrating their direct benefits in improving prediction accuracy and downstream applications.