Articles | Volume 1-osr7
27 Sep 2023
 | OSR7 | Chapter 3.2
 | 27 Sep 2023 | OSR7 | Chapter 3.2

Characterization of the organic vs. inorganic fraction of suspended particulate matter in coastal waters based on ocean color radiometry remote sensing

Hubert Loisel, Lucile Duforêt-Gaurier, Trung Kien Tran, Daniel Schaffer Ferreira Jorge, François Steinmetz, Antoine Mangin, Marine Bretagnon, and Odile Hembise Fanton d'Andon


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Short summary
In this paper, we will show how a proxy for particulate composition (PPC), classifying the suspended particulate matter into its organic, mineral, or mixed fractions, can be estimated from remote-sensing observations. The selected algorithm will then be applied to MERIS observations (2002–2012) over global coastal waters to discuss the significance of this new product. A specific focus will be on the English Channel and the southern North Sea.
Final-revised paper