24 Sep 2024
 | 24 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal SP.

The Role of Rivers in Ocean Forecasting

Pascal Matte, John Wilkin, and Joanna Staneva

Abstract. The connection between the ocean and the land is made possible thanks to rivers, which are a vital component of the Earth's system. They govern the hydrological and biogeochemical contributions to the coastal ocean and influence local circulation and the distribution of water masses, modulating processes such as upwelling and mixing. This paper provides an overview of recent advancements in river modelling, with a particular focus on estuaries. The methods discussed range from those currently adopted in coarse-resolution ocean forecasting systems, where mixing processes are primarily parameterized, to coupling approaches that are better suited for coastal systems. A review of river data availability is also presented, illustrating various sources, from observational data to climatological datasets, and more precise river modelling approaches that are improving the representation of water discharges in operational systems. Finally, a compendium of current operational systems is provided, with a focus on how river forcing is treated, from global to coastal scales.

Publisher's note: Copernicus Publications remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims made in the text, published maps, institutional affiliations, or any other geographical representation in this preprint. The responsibility to include appropriate place names lies with the authors.
Pascal Matte, John Wilkin, and Joanna Staneva

Status: open (until 19 Nov 2024)

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Pascal Matte, John Wilkin, and Joanna Staneva
Pascal Matte, John Wilkin, and Joanna Staneva


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Short summary
Rivers, vital to the Earth's system, connect the ocean with the land, governing hydrological and biogeochemical contributions and influencing processes like upwelling and mixing. This paper reviews advancements in river modeling, focusing on estuaries, from coarse-resolution ocean forecasting to more precise coastal coupling approaches. It discusses river data sources and examines how river forcing is treated in global, regional and coastal operational systems.