30 Sep 2024
 | 30 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal SP.

Distributed Environments for Ocean Forecasting: the role of Cloud Computing

Stefania Ciliberti and Gianpaolo Coro

Abstract. Cloud computing offers an opportunity to innovate traditional methods for provisioning of scalable and measurable computed resources as needed by operational forecasting systems. It offers solutions for more flexible and adaptable computing architecture, for developing and running models, for managing and disseminating data to finally deploy services and applications. The review discussed on the key characteristic of cloud computing related on on-demand self-service, network access, resource pooling, elasticity and measured services. Additionally, it provides an overview of existing service models and deployments methods (e.g., private cloud, public cloud, community cloud, and hybrid cloud). A series of examples from the weather and ocean community is also briefly outlined, demonstrating how specific tasks can be mapped on specific cloud patterns and which methods are needed to be implemented depending on the specific adopted service model.

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Stefania Ciliberti and Gianpaolo Coro

Status: open (until 25 Nov 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Stefania Ciliberti and Gianpaolo Coro
Stefania Ciliberti and Gianpaolo Coro


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Short summary
Cloud computing technology offers scalable and measurable resources that are crucial for operational forecasting systems. This review offers an overview of existing service models, broadly used in ICT that can impact next generation of applications and services for Blue Economy.