31 Jul 2024
 | 31 Jul 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal SP.

Sea Level Rise in Europe: Summary for Policy Makers

Bart van den Hurk, Nadia Pinardi, Alexander Bisaro, Giulia Galluccio, Jose Jimenez, Kate Larkin, Angelique Melet, Lavinia Giulia Pomarico, Kristin Richter, Kanika Singh, Roderik van de Wal, and Gundula Winter

Abstract. The European Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise (KH-SLR), an initiative by JPI Climate and JPI Oceans, has developed its first Assessment Report to address the challenges posed by sea level rise (SLR) in Europe. This report, preceded by a series of targeted surveys and workshops with researchers and stakeholders (e.g. coastal decision makers), has synthesized the current scientific knowledge on SLR drivers, impacts and policies at local, national, and European basin scales. It provides additional value by more in-depth and region-specific analyses on local sea level changes, compared to relevant global assessments such as by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC). In addition, it identified critical knowledge gaps supporting the development of actionable information. The Summary for Policy Makers (SPM) distills the key findings of the report, presenting information specific to each European basin (Mediterranean and Black Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Atlantic and Arctic basins). It highlights region-specific trends, vulnerabilities, and potential impacts, while also orienting future requirements.

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Bart van den Hurk, Nadia Pinardi, Alexander Bisaro, Giulia Galluccio, Jose Jimenez, Kate Larkin, Angelique Melet, Lavinia Giulia Pomarico, Kristin Richter, Kanika Singh, Roderik van de Wal, and Gundula Winter

Status: open (until 20 Sep 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on sp-2024-3', Louis Celliers, 14 Aug 2024 reply
  • RC2: 'Comment on sp-2024-3', Jelte Verberne, 19 Aug 2024 reply
Bart van den Hurk, Nadia Pinardi, Alexander Bisaro, Giulia Galluccio, Jose Jimenez, Kate Larkin, Angelique Melet, Lavinia Giulia Pomarico, Kristin Richter, Kanika Singh, Roderik van de Wal, and Gundula Winter
Bart van den Hurk, Nadia Pinardi, Alexander Bisaro, Giulia Galluccio, Jose Jimenez, Kate Larkin, Angelique Melet, Lavinia Giulia Pomarico, Kristin Richter, Kanika Singh, Roderik van de Wal, and Gundula Winter


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Short summary
The Summary for Policy Makers compiles findings from ‘Sea Level Rise in Europe: 1st Assessment Report of the Knowledge Hub on Sea Level Rise’. It covers knowledge gaps, observations, projections, impacts, adaptation measures, decision making principles, and governance challenges. It provides information for each European basin (Mediterranean & Black Sea, North Sea, Baltic Sea, Atlantic, Arctic) and aims to assist policymakers in enhancing the preparedness of European coasts for sea level rise.